Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Land Mines – Colombia facts

63% of municipalities have land contaminated by landmines.
544 Colombians are new victims of land mines in 2009
35% are civilians; 65% are members of Colombian military
89% of the victims are children and young adults

Guerilla (antigovernment) forces have used landmines as a defenseive weapon in their struggle to control territories. Increasingly mines are also used as an offensive weapon -to trigger an explosion against specific targets.  Land mines are used by all sides of the conflict -military, paramilitary, and guerilla.

Today in Cartagena, Colombia 1000 delegates from the 156 countries who have ratified the International treaty to ban land mines are meeting.    The US, Russia, and China are among 39 countries who have not signed the treaty.  

Several days ago President Obama announced the US will not change its position on land mines; the US will not join all countries of NATO who have already signed the treaty.  Do you agree with US land mines policy?

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